At Towers School our aim is that every student becomes the best version of themselves. We want to be able to look back and say that ‘we gave our students the knowledge, the values and the vision to achieve further study, successful jobs and happiness. And our co-curriculum is a vital part of that.
We aim to enhance our core curriculum to ensure that our students are given a wide variety of experiences which enrich and broaden their cultural horizons, and we describe this as our co-curriculum. These enhancements range from character education during tutor time, through to a wide selection of enrichment activities after school. We also provide a number of trips enabling students' experiences to develop and increase outside the school environment.
Any activities which take place during the school day are carefully planned in order to minimise the impact upon regular lessons.
To enhance our students’ experience at the school, we are delighted to offer a range of fun enrichment opportunities, both internally and externally.
The objective of enrichment is to:
- Widen pupils’ intellectual experiences
- Improve independent learning skills
- "Light a fire" within pupils
- Offer them the opportunity to study a variety of options of their choice in something they would not have had a chance to study otherwise.
The school would like all students from every year group, to attend at least 1 enrichment activity/club on a weekly basis each term. They will however be able to change their options after each term.
For any information or questions about the enrichment programme, please contact
Mr Hurren on
Enrichment timetable - click hereLibrary
Towers Library was fully refurbished last year and now offers hundreds of exciting new books
designed to promote a genuine love of reading for all our students. The Library also offers
access to chrome books every lunch time and after school, to help with homework and
there are three private study areas for independent learning and revision.
We also have chess and word games available weekly, along with magazines and activity books for students to enjoy.
The wide-ranging fiction stock is arranged in genres which include dyslexia friendly novels and
popular Manga books as well as the traditional sections such as Fantasy, Classics and Mystery
Thrillers. Books may be borrowed for two weeks at a time and students can use their Library
Loyalty Cards to collect points for each completed book, earning some tasty rewards. The Library is the focus for exciting events during the year such as World book Day and Book Buzz and we are very lucky to have a large team of voluntary student librarians to make the ‘book magic’ happen .
Everyone is welcome at the Towers Library .
“I don't believe in the kind of magic in my books. But I do believe something very
magical can happen when you read a good book.”
J.K. Rowling
Towers MFL Buddies
MFL Buddies
From time to time, we host students in school from other countries. They are paired up with an MFL Buddy, who looks after them from the start to the end of the school day. They are not required to look after them outside of the school day.
It is the Buddies’ responsibility to
- Make them feel welcome.
- Take them to all of their lessons.
- Inform them when they have PE as they will need to bring some kit.
- Look after them at break time and lunchtime.
- Sit with them in the canteen during lunchtime.
- Escort them to their pick-ups at the end of the school day.
- Look after them during Sports Day.
If you are interested in becoming an MFL Buddy, please see Mr. Parker in MFL.