What We Offer
A one size fits all approach does not work for all students who find aspects of school difficult. As a result, we will always try and be as flexible and supportive as possible. Bespoke programmes of study are built around the student and focus on their strengths, what they enjoy and are motivated by. This then allows us to focus on the issues, challenges and barriers that are impacting most on them making sustained progress. A summary of the packages that we have developed can be seen below.
100% School Based
Full time in school with a combination of lessons, tutoring and timeouts taking place in The Rashford Centre.
School Based + Intervention
Full time in school with a combination of lessons, tutoring, timeouts and specific interventions taking place in The Rashford Centre.
Part-Time School + Intervention
Part time school curriculum that focuses on the positive/successful aspect of their timetable that then dovetails into specific school based interventions that support academic, behaviour, wellbeing and personal development.
School + Intervention + Full Time Schedule
Part time school curriculum that focuses on the positive/ successful aspect of their timetable that then dovetails into specific school based interventions and at least one day per week at an offsite forest school provision.
Directions Off Site / Managed Move
All students joining Towers on a 'managed move' or direction off site from other schools will be supported through The Rashford Centre prior to them going into mainstream lessons.