Young Carers
Did you know here at Towers school we offer a Young Carer support group on the first Tuesday of every month during recreation time? The group, run by our Young Carer Champion Mrs Dehara, is open to all known Young carers caring for a family member with a long-term illness, disability, poor mental health or substance misuse issue.
Whether it's to just sit and listen, talk and share, do drawing and colouring or play games, we are here!
Do you think your child could be a young carer? Please contact Mrs Dehara Telephone: 01233 634171 ext 282 Email or for more info; give Kent Young Carers a call on 0300 111 110 or email
We have over 100 Young Carers in our school registered already, so you are not alone!
Is my child a Young Carer?
Useful Sites / Apps & Services
IMAGO are constantly searching for useful services and apps that would benefit Young Carers. Please see below just some that IMAGO frequently signpost to their young people and families.
YOUNG MINDS- Exam stress and how to deal with exam stress |
SAMARITANS- Coping strategies for exam stress |
KIDSCAPE- Help with bullying and relationships booklet | |
SIBS- A UK wide charity supporting those who have a disabled sibling |
NACOA- Helping everyone affected by their parent’s drinking
MACMILLAN- A guide for young people looking after someone with cancer
EPILEPSY Action- Epilepsy information for children and schools
Health and Wellbeing
A fantastic site that allows young people to play games, do yoga, make things and much more |
Free and anonymous counselling site for ages 10-16 years |
A variety of support for young people and schools |
Food facts, nutritional info and recipe ideas |
Free Apps
Mindful powers- 4-12years (Apple store) |
Equoo- 12+years (Apple store and google Play) |
Chill Panda- All ages (Apple store and Nitendo) |
Cove- All ages (Apple store) |
GoNoodle- 6-12 years (Apple store and Google Play) |
Plant Nanny- 9+years |
Dreamy Kid- 3-17years (Apple Store and Google Play) |
Children’s sleep meditations- All ages (Apple store and Google Play) |